The 21st edition of Roshni's newsletter informs you about the updates on the changes for Universal credit.
What is Universal Credit.
Universal Credit is a payment for people over 18 but under State Pension age who are on a low income or out of work.
It includes support for the cost of housing, children, and childcare.
Changes In Universal Credit
Universal Credit will replace:
- Income-Based Jobseekers Allowance
- Income-Related Employment and Support Allowance
- Housing Benefit
- Working Tax Credit
- Child Tax Credit
It will not replace the other benefits like contributory Jobseekers Allowance or contributory Employment and Support Allowance. You may need to claim UC if you have a change in your circumstances that ends your current entitlement to benefits. People who claim these benefits or tax credits will receive a Migration Notice letter and will then need to switch to Universal Credit within three months. Make sure you do not apply for universal credit until you have received the migration letter. This will ensure that you will continue to receive the amount you are receiving for benefits. This is called transitional protection. You can do this by registering online, where you will need an email address and access to a phone. You will also need something to prove your identity, such as a passport or driving license. Furthermore, you will need to supply information about things like how much you earn and how much rent you pay, as well as any savings and investments you have.
How is Universal Credit different from other benefits?
- There will be no paper claim forms and most claims will be made online.
- There is an assessment period for one calendar month. After this your entitlement to benefit will be assessed and paid (5 weeks from date of claim).
- Any change of circumstances within the assessment period will be backdated to the start of the assessment period.
- You must tell DWP straight away within the same assessment period for any increase.
- Any decrease in entitlement will be backdated to the start of the assessment period that the change occurred in
- Awards will be paid to one member of a couple.
- You will receive one monthly payment that includes an element for your rent. You will have to pay your rent to your landlord.
- You can ask about alternative payment arrangements.
- All claimants, including both members of a couple, will be placed in a work-related conditionality group.
- Your claim will be managed online, and communications will be via email / text.